

单词 buffet
释义 buffet (verb) buffet 3 ENTRIES FOUND: buffet (noun) buffet (verb) buffet car (noun) 1 buffet /bəˈfeɪ/ Brit /ˈbʊˌfeɪ/ noun plural buffets 1 buffet /bəˈfeɪ/ Brit /ˈbʊˌfeɪ/ noun plural buffets Learner's definition of BUFFET [count] 1  : a meal for which different foods are placed on a table so that people can serve themselves自助餐 The restaurant offers a breakfast buffet.这家餐馆提供自助早餐。 There will be a cold buffet [=a meal of different cold foods set on a table] at the party.派对上将有自助冷餐。 — often used before another noun常用于另一名词前 He went back to the buffet table for a second helping.他回到自助餐桌,又取了些食物。 a buffet meal/lunch/dinner自助餐/午餐/晚餐 2  chiefly British : a place in a train, a bus station, etc., where people can buy food and drinks(火车的)餐车;(车站的)快餐部 — see also buffet car 3  chiefly US : a piece of furniture that is used in a dining room for holding dishes, silverware, etc. : sideboard餐具架;餐具柜 2 buffet /ˈbʌfət/ verb buffets; buffeted; buffeting 2 buffet /ˈbʌfət/ verb buffets; buffeted; buffeting Learner's definition of BUFFET [+ object] : to hit (something) with great force many times反复击打(某物) The waves buffeted [=battered] the shore.海浪拍打着海岸。 The strong winds buffeted the ship.狂风把船吹得左右摇摆。 — often used as (be) buffeted常用作(be) buffeted The island was buffeted by a tropical storm last month.上个月,这座岛遭到了热带风暴的袭击。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 The city's schools are being buffeted by budget cuts.预算削减使市区的学校受到重创。




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