

单词 candid
释义 candid 1 ENTRIES FOUND: candid (adjective) candid /ˈkændəd/ adjective candid /ˈkændəd/ adjective Learner's definition of CANDID [more candid; most candid] 1  : expressing opinions and feelings in an honest and sincere way坦诚的;坦率的;直言不讳的 He was quite candid about his past.他从不讳言自己的过去。 a candid confession诚恳的认罪 a refreshingly/remarkably candid interview令人耳目一新/引人注目的坦诚会谈 She gave us her candid opinion on the matter.她坦率地告诉了我们她对这件事的看法。 2  photography : showing people acting in a natural way because they do not know that they are being photographed抓拍的;偷拍的 a candid snapshot抓拍快照 — candidly adverb He stated his opinion candidly.他坦率地陈述了自己的看法。 She spoke candidly about some of the difficulties she had been experiencing.她坦诚地讲述了自己经历的一些困难。 — candidness noun [noncount] He responded to the question with surprising candidness. [=(more commonly) candor]他对这个问题的回答出人意料地坦率。




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