

单词 abhorrent
释义 abhorrent 1 ENTRIES FOUND: abhorrent (adjective) abhorrent /əbˈhorənt/ adjective abhorrent /əbˈhorənt/ adjective Learner's definition of ABHORRENT [more abhorrent; most abhorrent] formal : causing or deserving strong dislike or hatred令人憎恨的;可恶的;讨厌的 She finds violence in films abhorrent.她对电影里的暴力镜头很反感。 It was an abhorrent crime. [=a contemptible crime]这起犯罪令人发指。 — sometimes + to The thought of failing is abhorrent to him. [=he hates the thought of failing]一想到失败,他就难以忍受。




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