

单词 checkerboard
释义 checkerboard 1 ENTRIES FOUND: checkerboard (noun) checkerboard /ˈtʃɛkɚˌboɚd/ noun plural checkerboards checkerboard /ˈtʃɛkɚˌboɚd/ noun plural checkerboards Learner's definition of CHECKERBOARD [count] US 1  : a board that is marked with squares of two different colors (such as white and black) and that is used in various games (such as checkers)(国际跳棋等)棋盘 — called also (British) draughtboard 2  : something that has a pattern or arrangement of squares that looks like a checkerboard棋盘格图案 The fields formed a checkerboard of light and dark squares.这些田地颜色深浅交错,就像棋盘一般。 a checkerboard pattern棋盘格图案




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