

单词 chore
释义 chore 1 ENTRIES FOUND: chore (noun) chore /ˈtʃoɚ/ noun plural chores chore /ˈtʃoɚ/ noun plural chores Learner's definition of CHORE [count] 1  : a small job that is done regularly杂务;杂活 The children were each assigned different household chores.孩子们被分配了不同的家务。 farm chores农场杂活 I liked the simple chore of bringing in the firewood.我喜欢搬柴火这个简单的杂活。 Synonyms see: task 2  : a dull, unpleasant, or difficult job or experience脏活;累活;苦差事 Doing taxes can be a real chore.做税务工作可真是一件苦差事。 That movie is a chore to sit through.耐着性子看完那部电影可真不容易。




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