

单词 coalesce
释义 coalesce 1 ENTRIES FOUND: coalesce (verb) coalesce /ˌkowəˈlɛs/ verb coalesces; coalesced; coalescing coalesce /ˌkowəˈlɛs/ verb coalesces; coalesced; coalescing Learner's definition of COALESCE [no object] formal : to come together to form one group or mass联合;集聚 a group of young reformers who gradually coalesced into a political movement一伙逐渐联合促成政治运动的年轻改革家 The ice masses coalesced into a glacier over time.冰块经年累月集聚成冰川。 — coalescence /ˌkowəˈlɛsn̩s/ noun [noncount] a glacier formed by coalescence of ice masses由冰块集聚而成的冰川 [singular] a coalescence of forces各种势力的集聚




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