

单词 cobble
释义 cobble (noun) cobble 3 ENTRIES FOUND: cobble (verb) cobble (noun) cobbled (adjective) 1 cobble /ˈkɑːbəl/ verb cobbles; cobbled; cobbling 1 cobble /ˈkɑːbəl/ verb cobbles; cobbled; cobbling Learner's definition of COBBLE [+ object] 1  : to make (something) by putting together different parts in a quick way拼凑;草率匆忙地制作 — usually + together or up The diplomats rushed to cobble together a treaty.外交官们匆忙拼凑了一份条约。 The speech was cobbled together from papers and lectures.这个演讲是由一些论文和讲义拼凑而成的。 They worked quickly to cobble up a temporary solution.他们迅速拼凑了一个临时解决方案。 2  old-fashioned : to make or repair (shoes)制(鞋);修(鞋) expensive leather shoes cobbled in Italy意大利制作的昂贵皮鞋 2 cobble /ˈkɑːbəl/ noun plural cobbles 2 cobble /ˈkɑːbəl/ noun plural cobbles Learner's definition of COBBLE [count] : cobblestone a street paved with cobbles鹅卵石铺成的街道




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