

单词 alleged
释义 alleged 2 ENTRIES FOUND: alleged (adjective) allege (verb) alleged /əˈlɛʤd/ adjective alleged /əˈlɛʤd/ adjective Learner's definition of ALLEGED always used before a noun 1  : accused of having done something wrong or illegal but not yet proven guilty(在证据不足的情况下)被指控的 The alleged thief was arrested.盗窃嫌疑犯被捕了。 2  : said to have happened but not yet proven(未经证实而)声称的;所谓的 He denied the alleged conspiracy.他否认了这个所谓的阴谋。 alleged abuse据称但未经证实的虐待行为 — allegedly /əˈlɛʤədli/ adverb She allegedly stole the money. = Allegedly, she stole the money.据说她偷了那笔钱。




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