

单词 crooked
释义 crooked 2 ENTRIES FOUND: crooked (adjective) crook (verb) crooked /ˈkrʊkəd/ adjective crooked /ˈkrʊkəd/ adjective Learner's definition of CROOKED [more crooked; most crooked] 1  : not straight不直的 a crooked smile/grin咧嘴笑 : having bends and curves曲折的;有弯的 a crooked path弯弯曲曲的小路 2  : not set or placed straight歪的;不正的 a crooked tooth长歪了的牙 The picture is crooked.那幅画没摆正。 3  informal a  : not honest不诚实的 crooked [=corrupt, dishonest] politicians不诚实的政客 b  : done to trick or deceive someone欺诈的;骗人的 a crooked card game骗人的扑克牌游戏 — crookedly adverb The picture hung crookedly.那幅画挂歪了。 — crookedness noun [noncount]




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