

单词 ancestor
释义 ancestor 1 ENTRIES FOUND: ancestor (noun) ancestor /ˈænˌsɛstɚ/ noun plural ancestors ancestor /ˈænˌsɛstɚ/ noun plural ancestors Learner's definition of ANCESTOR [count] 1  : a person who was in someone's family in past times : one of the people from whom a person is descended祖先;祖宗 My ancestors came to America during the 1800s.我的祖先19世纪初来到美国。 Her ancestors were great sea captains.她的祖上是了不起的航海船长。 2  : an animal in the past from which a modern animal developed(动物的)原种 an ancient animal that was the ancestor of the modern horse作为现代马的原种的一种古代动物 3  : something in the past from which something else has developed原型;雏形 The museum included an exhibit showing ancestors of the modern computer.博物馆的展览包括现代计算机原型的展示。 several languages that are derived from a common ancestor几种同源的语言 Latin is the ancestor of Italian and French.拉丁语是意大利语和法语的始祖。 — ancestral /ænˈsɛstrəl/ adjective We returned to our ancestral home [=the home of our ancestors] after many years.多年以后我们回到了祖居。




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