

单词 establish
释义 establish 2 ENTRIES FOUND: establish (verb) established (adjective) establish /ɪˈstæblɪʃ/ verb establishes; established; establishing establish /ɪˈstæblɪʃ/ verb establishes; established; establishing Learner's definition of ESTABLISH [+ object] 1  a  : to cause (someone or something) to be widely known and accepted确立;使被接受 establish a claim确立一项主张 The film established her as a star.那部影片确立了她的明星地位。 She established a reputation as a hard worker.她赢得了工作勤奋的声誉。 The word is now established as part of the English language.这个词现已被英语吸纳。 The company has established itself as a leader in the industry.这家公司已经确立了自己在行业中的主导地位。 b  : to put (someone or something) in a position, role, etc., that will last for a long time使稳固;使站稳 As a young doctor he worked hard to establish himself in the community.作为一名年轻医生,他努力工作,使自己在医界有立足之地。 They want to establish their children in the family business.他们想让自己的子女在家族企业中站稳脚跟。 2  a  : to begin or create (something that is meant to last for a long time)建立;创立;设立 establish [=found] a school创办学校 The city was established [=founded] in the 18th century.这座城市始建于18世纪。 b  : to succeed in making or creating (something)建立;确立;创造 He was never able to establish [=build, forge] a close relationship with his son.他始终未能和儿子建立一种亲密关系。 She established a system of tracking expenses more accurately.她创立了一套可以更加准确地跟踪开销的系统。 We need to establish [=set] more realistic goals for ourselves.我们需要为自己确立一些更为实际的目标。 The two countries established a mutual trade agreement.两国订立了双边贸易协定。 3  a  : to make the truth or existence of (something) clear or certain : to show that (something) is true or real证实;证明;表明 He was unable to establish [=prove] his innocence.他无法证明自己的清白。 Research has established [=demonstrated, shown] that he played an important role in the negotiations.研究表明,他在谈判中起了重要的作用。 establishing a link between diet and cancer证实饮食和癌症之间的关联 b  : to find out (something)发现;找出;查明 Investigators are trying to establish if/whether anyone knew about these problems before the accident.调查人员正努力查明是否有人在事故发生之前就已经知道这些问题。 I was unable to establish why these changes were made.我无法找出造成这些变化的原因。




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