

单词 antiquarian
释义 antiquarian (adjective) antiquarian 2 ENTRIES FOUND: antiquarian (noun) antiquarian (adjective) 1 antiquarian /ˌæntəˈkwerijən/ noun plural antiquarians 1 antiquarian /ˌæntəˈkwerijən/ noun plural antiquarians Learner's definition of ANTIQUARIAN [count] : a person who collects, studies, or sells valuable old things古文物研究者;古玩收藏家;古玩商 — called also antiquary 2 antiquarian /ˌæntəˈkwerijən/ adjective 2 antiquarian /ˌæntəˈkwerijən/ adjective Learner's definition of ANTIQUARIAN : relating to the collection and study of valuable old things (such as old books)古文物的;古文物研究的;古文物收藏的 antiquarian bookstores古籍书店




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