

单词 aperture
释义 aperture 1 ENTRIES FOUND: aperture (noun) aperture /ˈæpɚtʃɚ/ noun plural apertures aperture /ˈæpɚtʃɚ/ noun plural apertures Learner's definition of APERTURE [count] 1  formal : a hole or small opening in something洞;小孔;缝隙 We entered the cave through a narrow aperture.我们从一个狭窄的豁口进入洞穴。 2  technical : an opening that controls the amount of light that passes through a lens (such as a camera lens)(照相机镜头等的)光圈,孔径 The photograph was taken using a fast shutter speed and a large aperture.这张照片是用高速快门和大光圈拍的。




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