

单词 apologetic
释义 apologetic 1 ENTRIES FOUND: apologetic (adjective) apologetic /əˌpɑːləˈʤɛtɪk/ adjective apologetic /əˌpɑːləˈʤɛtɪk/ adjective Learner's definition of APOLOGETIC [more apologetic; most apologetic] : feeling or showing regret : expressing an apology道歉的;懊悔的;表达歉意的 We received an apologetic letter and a full refund from the company.我们收到了公司的一封道歉信以及全部退款。 an apologetic smile带有歉意的微笑 They were apologetic about the mistake.他们对出错感到很抱歉。 She seemed almost apologetic about buying a new car.她似乎对买了辆新车有些后悔了。 — apologetically /əˌpɑːləˈʤɛtɪkli/ adverb He smiled apologetically.他抱歉地笑了笑。 “I'm sorry I'm late,” she said apologetically.“很抱歉,我迟到了。”她充满歉意地说。




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