

单词 appropriate
释义 appropriate (verb) appropriate 2 ENTRIES FOUND: appropriate (adjective) appropriate (verb) 1 appropriate /əˈproʊprijət/ adjective 1 appropriate /əˈproʊprijət/ adjective Learner's definition of APPROPRIATE [more appropriate; most appropriate] : right or suited for some purpose or situation适合的;恰当的 It's a formal occasion and appropriate attire/dress/clothing is expected. [=you are expected to wear formal clothing]这是正式场合,应当穿着得体。 Red wine would have been a more appropriate choice with the meal.这顿饭本应当配红葡萄酒更为合适。 We'll need to find an appropriate [=suitable] place to store the fuel.我们要找一个合适的地方贮藏燃料。 Do you think the movie is appropriate for small children (to see)? = Do you think it's appropriate for small children to see the movie?你认为这部电影适合儿童观看吗? The movie is perfectly/entirely appropriate to/for people of all ages.这部电影老少咸宜。 — opposite inappropriate — appropriately adverb The dinner is formal, so please dress appropriately.这是正式宴会,请着装得体。 She met her husband, appropriately enough, at a wedding.机缘巧合,她与丈夫是在一次婚礼上相识的。 — appropriateness noun [noncount] He questioned the appropriateness of the movie for young children.他认为这部电影少儿不宜。 2 appropriate /əˈproʊpriˌeɪt/ verb appropriates; appropriated; appropriating 2 appropriate /əˈproʊpriˌeɪt/ verb appropriates; appropriated; appropriating Learner's definition of APPROPRIATE [+ object] 1  : to get or save (money) for a specific use or purpose拨出(款项)供专用 The town has appropriated funds to repair the bridge and work should begin this summer.镇政府已拨出专款修桥,施工将于今夏开始。 2  : to take or use (something) especially in a way that is illegal, unfair, etc.私占;侵吞;挪用 The economy has been weakened by corrupt officials who have appropriated the country's resources for their own use.经济被那些侵占国家资源为己所用的贪官们削弱了。 Elements of the design were appropriated from other architects.这个设计的一些部分盗用了其他建筑师的成果。 The term “bad” has been appropriated by teenagers as a synonym for “good.”bad一词已被青少年擅自用为good的同义词。 — compare misappropriate




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