

单词 archaic
释义 archaic 1 ENTRIES FOUND: archaic (adjective) archaic /ɑɚˈkejɪk/ adjective archaic /ɑɚˈkejɪk/ adjective Learner's definition of ARCHAIC 1  : old and no longer used古体的;已不使用的 the archaic word “methinks”旧时使用的单词 archaic spellings of words单词的旧式拼写 archaic customs古时的习俗 Synonyms see: old 2  [more archaic; most archaic] : old and no longer useful : outdated旧时的;过时的 The company needs to update its archaic computer systems.公司需要升级其过时的计算机系统。 3  : of or relating to ancient times古代的;过去的 archaic art古代艺术




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