

单词 glamour
释义 glamour 2 ENTRIES FOUND: glamour (noun) glamour-puss (noun) glamour noun also US glamor /ˈglæmɚ/ glamour noun also US glamor /ˈglæmɚ/ Learner's definition of GLAMOUR [noncount] : a very exciting and attractive quality魅力;诱惑力 She left her hometown, attracted to the glamour of the big city.被大都市的繁华所吸引,她离开了她的家乡。 an acting career filled with glitz and glamour充满浮华与诱惑的演艺生涯 the glamour of the movie business电影业的诱惑力 She's a serious actress and not just another glamour girl. [=a beautiful woman who wears sexy and attractive clothing and makeup]她是一位很敬业的演员,并非只是又一个衣着入时的漂亮女郎。 He's one of the glamour boys of the football league. [=he's a very popular and attractive player who gets a lot of attention]他是美式橄榄球联盟中引人注目的帅小伙之一。




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