

单词 arithmetic
释义 arithmetic 1 ENTRIES FOUND: arithmetic (noun) arithmetic /əˈrɪθməˌtɪk/ noun arithmetic /əˈrɪθməˌtɪk/ noun Learner's definition of ARITHMETIC [noncount] 1  : a branch of mathematics that deals with numbers and their addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division算术 2  : the act or process of calculating a number计算;演算 a software program that will do the arithmetic for you可做运算的软件程序 — arithmetic /ˌerɪθˈmɛtɪk/ or arithmetical /ˌerɪθˈmɛtɪkəl/ adjective — arithmetically /ˌerɪθˈmɛtɪkli/ adverb




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