

单词 assert
释义 assert 1 ENTRIES FOUND: assert (verb) assert /əˈsɚt/ verb asserts; asserted; asserting assert /əˈsɚt/ verb asserts; asserted; asserting Learner's definition of ASSERT [+ object] 1  : to state (something) in a strong and definite way坚称;断言 “Poverty is the city's most serious problem,” the authors assert. = The authors assert that poverty is the city's most serious problem.“贫穷是这个城市最严重的问题。”几位发起人断言道。 He asserted that there were spies in the government.他坚称政府内部有间谍。 Despite the evidence against him, he has continued to assert his innocence. [=has continued to say that he is innocent]尽管证据对他不利,但他还是坚称自己无罪。 2  : to demand that other people accept or respect (something)主张;维护 She asserted her independence from her parents by getting her own apartment.她有了自己的房子,坚持从父母身边独立出来。 The boss was reluctant to assert his authority over his employees.老板并不愿意凌驾于自己的员工之上。 assert yourself 1  of a person : to speak or act in a strong and definite way(说话或行动)态度坚决 If you want people to listen to your opinions, you'll need to learn how to assert yourself.如果想要别人听你的,你需要学会如何坚持自己的意见。 The coach wants the players to assert themselves [=play more aggressively] on the field.教练要求队员们在球场上多一些霸气。 2  of a thing : to become apparent : to start to be clearly seen or known(事物)开始显现出来,开始清晰 Doubts about the value of the work began to assert themselves.对这项工作的价值产生的疑虑开始逐渐显现。 — assertion /əˈsɚʃən/ noun, plural assertions [count] I don't always agree with his assertions [=his strong statements] about politics.对他的政治主张,我并非一贯赞同。 an assertion of innocence无罪声明 [noncount] Getting her own apartment was the first step in the assertion of her independence.拥有自己的住房是她宣告独立的第一步。 Synonyms同义词assert, declare, affirm, and avow mean to say something in a way that shows you feel strongly about it, usually when you expect someone to disagree or challenge you.Assert、Declare、Affirm和Avow均指以强烈的情感说话,通常是在遭到反对或挑战的情况下。 assert suggests that you are confident about what you are saying and that you do not need proof or evidence.Assert意指对自己说的话很有信心,不需要佐证。 The group asserts that the smoking ban will negatively affect restaurant and bar owners.这一组织声称禁烟会对餐馆和酒吧业主造成负面影响。 declare is used when you are saying something in a public or open way.Declare用于在公开场合宣布某事。 She has declared her support for the candidate.她公开宣称支持这位候选人。 affirm is a formal word which suggests that you believe something because of evidence, experience, or faith.Affirm用法正式,意指因为有证据、有经验、有信心而坚定地相信某事。 He again affirmed his belief in the existence of an afterlife.他再次坚称他相信人死后会转世。 avow is also formal and emphasizes that you are being honest or sincere.Avow用法也正式,强调真诚或坦率地承认。 Both avowed that they had nothing to do with the crime.两人公开表示他们与这一犯罪行为无关。




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