

单词 chronicle
释义 chronicle (verb) chronicle 2 ENTRIES FOUND: chronicle (noun) chronicle (verb) 1 chronicle /ˈkrɑːnɪkəl/ noun plural chronicles 1 chronicle /ˈkrɑːnɪkəl/ noun plural chronicles Learner's definition of CHRONICLE [count] : a description of events in the order that they happened : history编年史;年代记 early medieval chronicles中世纪早期编年史 a chronicle of the American Civil War美国南北战争编年史 a chronicle of the President's years in office总统任期内的大事年表 2 chronicle /ˈkrɑːnɪkəl/ verb chronicles; chronicled; chronicling 2 chronicle /ˈkrɑːnɪkəl/ verb chronicles; chronicled; chronicling Learner's definition of CHRONICLE [+ object] : to describe a series of events in the order that they happened按时间顺序记事;把…载入编年史 The book chronicles the events that led to the American Civil War.这本书按时间顺序记载了引发美国南北战争的事件。 She intends to chronicle the broad social changes that have occurred in this part of the country.她计划将该国这个地区发生的广泛的社会变革载入编年史。 a magazine that chronicles the lives of the rich and famous介绍显贵们生平的杂志 — chronicler noun, plural chroniclers [count]




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