

单词 crystallize
释义 crystallize 2 ENTRIES FOUND: crystallize (verb) crystallized (adjective) crystallize verb also British crystallise /ˈkrɪstəˌlaɪz/ crystallizes; crystallized; crystallizing crystallize verb also British crystallise /ˈkrɪstəˌlaɪz/ crystallizes; crystallized; crystallizing Learner's definition of CRYSTALLIZE 1  technical : to change into a solid form that is made up of crystals(使)结晶;形成晶体 [no object] Eventually the paint will start to crystallize.最后油漆会开始结晶。 Certain conditions can cause carbon to crystallize into diamonds.特定的环境可以使碳结晶成金刚石。 [+ object] Certain conditions can crystallize carbon into diamonds.特定的环境可以使碳结晶成金刚石。 2  : to cause (something, such as an idea, belief, etc.) to become clear and fully formed使确定成形,使(想法、信仰等)明确 [+ object] The final paragraph of the essay crystallizes her theory.文章的最后一段明确了她的理论。 He tried to crystallize his thoughts.他试图理清思绪。 [no object] Her theory crystallizes in the final paragraph of the essay.她的理论在文章最后一段确定成形。 The plan crystallized slowly.计划慢慢地成形了。 — crystallization also British crystallisation /ˌkrɪstələˈzeɪʃən/ Brit /ˌkrɪstəˌlaɪˈzeɪʃən/ noun [noncount] the crystallization of the liquid液体的结晶 the crystallization of her theory她的理论的成形




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