

单词 cushion
释义 cushion (verb) cushion 5 ENTRIES FOUND: cushion (noun) cushion (verb) cushioning (noun) scatter cushion (noun) whoopee cushion (noun) 1 cushion /ˈkʊʃən/ noun plural cushions 1 cushion /ˈkʊʃən/ noun plural cushions Learner's definition of CUSHION [count] 1  : a soft object or part that is used to make something (such as a seat) more comfortable or to protect a surface from damage : a soft pillow, pad, etc.软垫;软枕 a seat/sofa cushion坐垫;沙发垫 There is a cushion under the rug to protect the floor.地毯下面有一层用于保护地板的软垫。 a cushion of air [=a layer of air that provides support or protection to something]气垫 — see picture at living room 2  : any one of the rubber parts that the ball bounces off along the inner edges of a billiard table(台球桌内侧边缘的)橡胶衬里,弹性衬里 3  : something (such as an extra amount of money) that you can use to reduce the bad effect of something (such as an unexpected problem or expense)可解燃眉之急之物,起缓解作用的东西(如富余的金钱) We didn't have a financial cushion when my husband lost his job.我丈夫失业时,我们手头一点富余的钱都没有。 — often + against We use our savings as a cushion against major expenses.我们将存款留待有大笔开销时使用。 4  : a lead in a game or competition that is large enough to allow the leader to feel confident about winning大比分领先;稳操胜券 — usually singular通常用单数 The team enjoyed a 6-0 cushion in the last inning.这个队最后一局以6:0的比分稳操胜券。 2 cushion /ˈkʊʃən/ verb cushions; cushioned; cushioning 2 cushion /ˈkʊʃən/ verb cushions; cushioned; cushioning Learner's definition of CUSHION [+ object] : to make (something, such as a fall or collision) less severe or painful : to soften or reduce the bad effect of (something)缓和(冲击);减少(不利影响) The pile of leaves helped cushion his fall.因为下面有一堆树叶,所以他跌得不重。 The tires help cushion the ride. [=help make the ride smoother]轮胎有助于缓冲行车时的颠簸。 The tax cut is meant to cushion the blow/impact of soaring gas prices.这次减税是为了减小油价格暴涨带来的冲击/影响。 — often + against or from The helmet cushions the head against violent collisions.头盔可以缓冲部受到的猛烈撞击。 The tax cut should cushion the economy from the effect of soaring gas prices.这次减税应该可以减小汽油价格暴涨对经济的影响。 — cushioned adjective a cushioned seat/chair铺有软垫的座位/椅子




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