

单词 downer
释义 downer 1 ENTRIES FOUND: downer (noun) downer /ˈdaʊnɚ/ noun plural downers downer /ˈdaʊnɚ/ noun plural downers Learner's definition of DOWNER [count] informal 1  : a drug that makes the body relax especially : barbiturate镇静药,抑制药(尤指巴比妥类药物) I took some downers to help me sleep.我服了些镇静药来帮助入睡。 — compare upper 2  : something that is unpleasant or depressing令人沮丧的事物 “His cat just died.” “Oh, that's a real downer.”“他的猫刚刚死了。”“哦,真是不幸。” Our conversation about death was a bit of a downer.我们关于死亡的谈话有点令人沮丧。




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