

单词 abandon
释义 abandon (noun) abandon 4 ENTRIES FOUND: abandon (verb) abandon (noun) abandoned (adjective) ship (noun) 1 abandon /əˈbændən/ verb abandons; abandoned; abandoning 1 abandon /əˈbændən/ verb abandons; abandoned; abandoning Learner's definition of ABANDON [+ object] 1  a  : to leave and never return to (someone who needs protection or help)遗弃,抛弃(需要保护或帮助的人) The child had been abandoned (by his parents) as an infant.这孩子还是婴儿时就被(父母)遗弃了。 He abandoned his family.他抛弃了家人 b  : to leave and never return to (something)丢弃,舍弃(某物) abandon property放弃财产 They abandoned the car on a back road.他们将轿车丢在了一条偏僻的小路上。 That house was abandoned years ago.那栋房子多年前就废弃了。 2  : to leave (a place) because of danger(因危险)离开,舍弃,丢弃 The approaching fire forced hundreds of people to abandon their homes.火势蔓延逼得数百人弃家而逃。 The officer refused to abandon his post.这位军官拒绝离开自己的岗位。 ◊ If you abandon ship, you leave a boat or ship that is sinking.(船只下沉时)弃船 The captain gave the order to abandon ship.船长下令弃船。 ◊ This phrase is sometimes used figuratively.此短语有时用作比喻。 The company is doing poorly, and many investors have decided to abandon ship. [=to sell their stock in the company]这家公司经营惨淡,因此许多投资者决定抛售公司股票。 3  : to stop supporting or helping (someone or something)放弃,停止(支持或援助) The policy abandons the most vulnerable members of society.这条政策中止了对社会最弱势群体的保护。 She abandoned the party not long after the election.选举结束以后不久她就不再拥护那个政党了。 4  : to stop doing or having (something) : to give up (something) completely彻底)放弃,舍弃 We abandoned hope of ever going back.我们彻底放弃了回去的希望。 He abandoned the principles that he once fought hard to defend.他放弃了那些他曾经奋力维护的原则。 She had to abandon her plans for a vacation.她不得不放弃度假计划。 Play was abandoned because of the bad weather.比赛因恶劣天气而取消。 abandon yourself to literary : to allow yourself to be fully controlled or affected by (something, such as a strong emotion)沉湎于;放纵 He abandoned himself to despair. [=he was overcome by despair]他彻底陷入了绝望。 — abandonment /əˈbændənmənt/ noun [noncount] the abandonment of a child/home对孩子/家庭的抛弃 2 abandon noun 2 abandon noun Learner's definition of ABANDON [noncount] : a feeling or attitude of wild or complete freedom放纵;纵情 They all danced with (wild) abandon.他们都纵情起舞(无所顾忌)。 She decided with reckless abandon [=in a very wild and reckless way] to quit her job and move to Tahiti.她毫无顾忌地决定辞职,搬到塔希提岛。




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