

单词 let out
释义 let out [phrasal verb] 1  let (something or someone) out or let out (something or someone) : to release (something or someone)发出;释放 She let out a scream. [=she screamed]她发出了一声尖叫。 They let the prisoner out (of prison) for the weekend. = The prisoner was let out for the weekend.他们把囚犯放出去过周末。 Let the clutch out slowly.要慢慢地松开离合器。 — see also letout 2  let (something) out or let out (something) : to make (a shirt, a pair of pants, etc.) larger加大,放宽(衬衫、裤子等) The skirt is too tight and needs to be let out a little.这条裙子太紧了,需要加宽些。 let out a pair of pants把一条裤子加宽 — opposite take in at 1take 3  US, of a school : to end a semester, year, or session(学期或学年)结束 School lets out in June.学校六月份放假。 let




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