

单词 mob
释义 mob (verb) mob 4 ENTRIES FOUND: mob (noun) mob (verb) mob scene (noun) lynch mob (noun) 1 mob /ˈmɑːb/ noun plural mobs 1 mob /ˈmɑːb/ noun plural mobs Learner's definition of MOB 1  [count] : a large group or crowd of people who are angry or violent or difficult to control暴徒 The angry mob smashed store windows and attacked people on the streets.愤怒的暴民打碎了商店的橱窗并攻击街上的行人。 The police had to be called in to handle/disperse the growing/gathering mob.必须叫警察来驱散越聚越多的暴民。 violent mobs暴徒 — see also lynch mob, mob scene 2  [count] informal : a large number of people人群 — usually + of On our walk, we were passed by a mob of bicycle riders.散步时,一群骑自行车的人从我们身旁经过。 — often plural常用复数 Mobs of teenagers filled the room.许多青少年挤在房间里。 The team was greeted by mobs of excited fans.球队受到大群兴高采烈的粉丝们的欢迎。 3  the mob informal or the Mob : a secret organized group of criminals犯罪集团 The Mob [=the Mafia] controlled most businesses in the city.黑手党控制着市内大部分商家。 He was jailed for his dealings with the Mob.他因和犯罪集团有染而被囚禁。 — often used as mob before another noun常以mob用于另一名词前 Their family had mob [=Mafia] connections.他们家和黑帮有关系。 a mob boss [=someone who controls part of an organized criminal group]黑帮老大 — see also mobster 4  the mob old-fashioned : the people of a society who are poor and uneducated下层百姓 politicians trying to keep the mob happy设法取悦下层百姓的政客们 ◊ This use of the mob is now usually considered insulting.这一用法现通常被认为有侮辱之意。 2 mob /ˈmɑːb/ verb mobs; mobbed; mobbing 2 mob /ˈmɑːb/ verb mobs; mobbed; mobbing Learner's definition of MOB [+ object] 1  of a group of people : to move close to (someone) in an excited way : to crowd around (someone) in an aggressive, excited, or annoying way团团围住;围攻 The actor's fans mobbed him wherever he went.这名演员不论到哪里,都会被粉丝团团围住。 — often used as (be) mobbed常用作(be) mobbed The actor was mobbed by fans wherever he went.这名演员不论到哪里,都会被粉丝团团围住。 I walked into the room and was immediately mobbed by small children.我走进房间,立刻被小孩子们团团围住。 2  : to come together in (a place) with many other people蜂拥进入 Shoppers mobbed the stores during the holidays.节日期间购物者纷纷涌入商店。 — often used as (be) mobbed常用作(be) mobbed The stores were mobbed by/with customers.大量顾客涌入这些商店。 — mobbed adjective The stores were mobbed [=very crowded] today!今天各大商店都很拥挤! mobbed airports人头攒动的机场




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