

单词 accretion
释义 accretion 1 ENTRIES FOUND: accretion (noun) accretion /əˈkriːʃən/ noun plural accretions accretion /əˈkriːʃən/ noun plural accretions Learner's definition of ACCRETION 1  [noncount] : a gradual process in which layers of a material are formed as small amounts are added over time积聚;累积 rocks formed by the slow accretion of limestone由石灰岩缓慢沉积而成的岩石 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 The gradual accretion of detail creates a complex and moving story.细节慢慢地堆积,编织出了一个曲折而动人的故事。 2  [count] : something that has grown or accumulated slowly : a product or result of gradual growth堆积物;积聚物 strangely shaped limestone accretions奇形怪状的石灰岩堆积层 There was an accretion of ice on the car's windshield.汽车的挡风玻璃上结了一层冰。




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