

单词 award
释义 award (noun) award 3 ENTRIES FOUND: award (verb) award (noun) Academy Award (trademark) 1 award /əˈwoɚd/ verb awards; awarded; awarding 1 award /əˈwoɚd/ verb awards; awarded; awarding Learner's definition of AWARD [+ object] 1  : to give (a reward or prize) to someone or something奖励;奖赏 The judges will award a prize to the best speaker.评委们将授予最佳演讲者奖项。 The winner was awarded a gold medal.获胜者被授予金牌。 A prize will be awarded to the student who sells the most tickets.卖出最多票的那名学生将会得到奖励。 2  : to officially decide that someone should get (something)判给;授予 The jury awarded damages to the defendant.陪审团裁决被告承担损害赔偿金。 The company is awarding the contract to the lowest bidder.公司要把合同给出价最低的竞标者。 He was awarded a patent for his invention.他因其发明被授予专利。 2 award /əˈwoɚd/ noun plural awards 2 award /əˈwoɚd/ noun plural awards Learner's definition of AWARD [count] : something (such as a prize) that is given to someone or something for being excellent or for doing something that is admired奖品;奖状 Will the film win any awards at the festival?这部影片会在电影节上获奖吗? She has won numerous awards for her books.她因写的那些书获得了许多奖。 an awards ceremony [=a ceremony at which awards are given out]颁奖典礼 an award-winning film/writer = an award- winner获奖影片/作家




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