

单词 nonetheless
释义 nonetheless 1 ENTRIES FOUND: nonetheless (adverb) nonetheless /ˌnʌnðəˈlɛs/ adverb nonetheless /ˌnʌnðəˈlɛs/ adverb Learner's definition of NONETHELESS somewhat formal : in spite of what has just been said : nevertheless尽管如此 There's no doubt the city is changing for the better. Nonetheless [=however], no one has been too surprised by the recent violence.毫无疑问这座城市正在逐渐变好。尽管如此,没有人对近期的暴力事件太过吃惊。 The hike was difficult, but fun nonetheless. [=the hike was fun even though it was difficult]徒步旅行尽管很费劲,但也有乐趣。




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