

单词 abate
释义 abate 1 ENTRIES FOUND: abate (verb) abate /əˈbeɪt/ verb abates; abated; abating abate /əˈbeɪt/ verb abates; abated; abating Learner's definition of ABATE [no object] : to become weaker : to decrease in strength减轻;减弱 We waited for the wind/storm to abate.我们等着风势/暴风雨减弱。 The excitement has abated.兴奋的情绪已经平静下来了。 — abatement /əˈbeɪtmənt/ noun, plural abatements [noncount] The violence has continued without abatement.暴力仍在继续,丝毫没有减轻。 [count] a tax abatement [=an amount by which a tax is reduced]减税




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