

单词 bastion
释义 bastion 1 ENTRIES FOUND: bastion (noun) bastion /ˈbæstʃən/ Brit /ˈbæstiən/ noun plural bastions bastion /ˈbæstʃən/ Brit /ˈbæstiən/ noun plural bastions Learner's definition of BASTION [count] : a place or system in which something (such as an old-fashioned idea) continues to survive堡垒 The neighborhood is considered by many to be the city's last liberal/conservative bastion. [=the only place left in the city where liberal/conservative ideas are still accepted]这个街区被视为是这座城市自由主义/保守主义观点仅存的最后堡垒。 a bastion of racial inequality [=a system in which people of different races still do not have equal rights]种族歧视的堡垒 bastions of democracy民主堡垒




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