

单词 reject
释义 reject (noun) reject 2 ENTRIES FOUND: reject (verb) reject (noun) 1 reject /rɪˈʤɛkt/ verb rejects; rejected; rejecting 1 reject /rɪˈʤɛkt/ verb rejects; rejected; rejecting Learner's definition of REJECT [+ object] 1  : to refuse to believe, accept, or consider (something)拒绝相信;拒绝接受;拒绝考虑 My teacher rejected my excuse for being late.我的老师不肯相信我的迟到理由。 The committee rejected my proposal/idea/suggestion/motion.委员会拒绝考虑我的提议/观点/建议/动议。 I agree with several points of her argument, while rejecting [=disagreeing with] her conclusions.我同意她的某些论点,但不同意她的结论。 She rejected the package/letter [=she did not accept the delivery of the package, letter, etc.] and returned it unopened.她拒收那个包裹/那封信,将它原封不动地退了回去。 2  : to decide not to publish (something) or make (something) available to the public because it is not good enough(因质量差而)决定不出版,决定不发行 My article/book/paper was rejected.我的文章/书稿/论文被退了回来。 The produce inspector rejected several crates of berries that had begun to grow mold.产品质检员把几箱发霉的浆果退了回去。 3  a  : to refuse to allow (someone) to join a club, to attend a school, etc.拒绝接纳 The college rejects hundreds of applicants each year.这个学院每年都要淘汰数百名申请入学者。 b  : to decide not to offer (someone) a job or position不录用 We rejected 5 of the 10 job applicants right away.我们马上便淘汰了10名求职者中的5名。 4  : to refuse to love, care for, or give attention to (someone)不关心;不在乎;怠慢 The mother cat rejected the smallest kitten and refused to feed it.猫妈妈不关心那只最小的猫崽并拒绝喂它。 Rejected by society, these street kids have to fend for themselves.由于被社会抛弃,这些街头少年只得自谋生路。 He still loves her even though she's rejected him before.即使之前被她拒绝过,他现在仍然爱她。 He wanted to ask her on a date, but he was afraid of being rejected.他想要约她,但又怕被拒绝。 5  medical, of a person's body : to produce substances that try to harm or destroy (a transplanted organ, a skin graft, etc.)排异;排斥 The patient's immune system rejected the transplanted heart. = The patient rejected the transplanted heart.病人的免疫系统对植入心脏有排异反应。 — rejection /rɪˈʤɛkʃən/ noun, plural rejections [count] The committee was unanimous in its rejection of my proposal.委员会一致反对我的提议。 After many rejections, her novel was finally accepted for publication.投稿多次被退回后,她的小说最终得以出版。 [noncount] In any transplant operation, there is a risk of organ rejection.在任何移植手术中,都有器官排异的风险。 a rejection letter [=a letter saying that you or something you have written, made, etc., has been rejected]回绝信 2 reject /ˈriːˌʤɛkt/ noun plural rejects 2 reject /ˈriːˌʤɛkt/ noun plural rejects Learner's definition of REJECT [count] 1  : something that is not good enough for some purpose : something that cannot be used or accepted瑕疵品;无用之物;不被接受之物 Stack the promising applications here, and put the rejects over there.把有希望的申请信放这儿,把筛掉的放那儿。 One way to save on clothing costs is to buy (factory) rejects. [=clothes that are sold for a lower price because they have flaws]节省服装费用的一种方式是购买(厂家的)瑕疵品。 2  : a person who is not accepted or liked by other people不被接受之人;不受待见之人 the rejects of society = society's rejects社会弃儿 (informal) Ignore him, he's a (total/complete) reject.别理他,他是个(完全)不受待见的人。




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