

单词 beat out
释义 beat out [phrasal verb] 1  beat out (something) or beat (something) out a  : to put out (a fire) by beating扑灭(火) The fire was raging but we managed to beat it out.火势不断蔓延,但我们最终将它扑灭了。 b  baseball : to turn (a ground ball) into a base hit by running fast to first base(击跑员先于球到达一垒而)使(滚地球)成为安打 He beat out a bunt.他借触击球上一垒。 2  beat out (someone or something) or beat (someone or something) out US : to defeat or overcome (a person, team, etc.)击败;战胜 They were beaten out [=beaten] in the semifinals.他们在半决赛中输了。 She thought she would get the job, but someone else beat her out. [=someone else got the job]她以为自己会得到那份工作,结果却被别人得到了。 beat




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