

单词 roar
释义 roar (noun) roar 5 ENTRIES FOUND: roar (verb) roar (noun) roaring (adjective) roaring (adverb) rip-roaring (adjective) 1 roar /ˈroɚ/ verb roars; roared; roaring 1 roar /ˈroɚ/ verb roars; roared; roaring Learner's definition of ROAR 1  [no object] a  : to make the loud sound of a wild animal (such as a lion)(狮等)吼叫 We heard a lion roar in the distance.我们听到一头狮子在远处吼叫。 b  : to make a long, loud sound轰鸣;轰响;大声叫喊 The guns/siren roared.枪炮/汽笛轰鸣起来。 The fans were roaring [=yelling and cheering loudly] after their team scored.球迷们在球队得分后大声欢呼起来。 The campfire was roaring. [=the campfire was burning brightly and loudly]篝火在呼呼作响。 The engine suddenly roared (back) to life. [=it made the loud sound of an engine and began running well]发动机突然呼呼作响,启动了。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 His career suddenly roared back to life.他的事业突然出现了转机。 2  [no object] : to laugh loudly大笑 The joke got the crowd roaring.这个笑话逗得人群大笑。 The audience roared with laughter. [=the audience laughed loudly for a long time]观众哈哈大笑。 3  : to shout (something) very loudly大声喊叫 [+ object] “Watch out,” he roared.“小心。”他大声喊道。 The crowd roared its approval.人群高呼赞同。 — often + out The general roared out his orders.将军大声下达命令。 [no object] She roared at him for being late.她因为他迟到朝他大吼。 4  always followed by an adverb or preposition, [no object] : to move noisily and quickly轰响着快速行进 The truck roared away/off.卡车轰响着疾驰而去。 The car roared down the street.这辆车沿路呼啸疾驰。 The wind roared through the open barn.大风呼呼吹进露天谷仓。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 The team came roaring back in the second half to win the game.这个队在下半场气势满满地回到赛场,以赢得这场比赛。 2 roar /ˈroɚ/ noun plural roars 2 roar /ˈroɚ/ noun plural roars Learner's definition of ROAR [count] 1  : the loud sound of a wild animal (such as a lion)(狮等的)吼叫声 2  : a loud, low sound that continues for a long time轰鸣声;轰响声;大声叫喊 the roar of the airplane engines飞机发动机的轰鸣声 the roar of the river/crowd河水的咆哮声;人声鼎沸 roars of laughter/approval放声大笑;高声赞许




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