

单词 belly
释义 belly (verb) belly 8 ENTRIES FOUND: belly (noun) belly (verb) belly-up (adjective) belly button (noun) belly dance (noun) belly flop (noun) belly laugh (noun) beer belly (noun) 1 belly /ˈbɛli/ noun plural bellies 1 belly /ˈbɛli/ noun plural bellies Learner's definition of BELLY [count] 1  a  : a person's stomach or the part of the body that contains the stomach(人的)胃,腹部,肚子 My belly was full.我肚子饱了。 He got down on his belly to crawl.他趴下匍匐前进。 They slid down the snowy hill on their bellies.他们匍匐滑下雪坡。 a kick in the belly [=abdomen]踹在肚子上的一脚 — see also beer belly, potbelly b  : the part of an animal's body that is like a person's belly(动物的)肚子 a horse's belly马肚子 a gray squirrel with a white belly白肚皮的灰毛松鼠 — see also underbelly 2  : a curved or rounded surface or part腹状凸起部分 the belly of an airplane飞机的机腹 the belly of a ship/violin船腹;小提琴的面板 — bellied adjective — used in combination用于合成词 a red-bellied woodpecker红腹啄木鸟 — see also yellow-bellied 2 belly /ˈbɛli/ verb bellies; bellied; bellying 2 belly /ˈbɛli/ verb bellies; bellied; bellying Learner's definition of BELLY : to cause (something, such as a sail) to curve or bulge outward(使船帆等)鼓起,胀起 [+ object] The wind bellied (out) the sails of the ship.风把船帆吹得鼓鼓的。 [no object] The sails of the ship bellied [=bulged] out in the wind.船帆在风中张满。 belly up to [phrasal verb] belly up to (someone or something) US, informal : to walk to or toward (someone or something)径直朝…走去 The men bellied up to the bar.男人们直奔酒吧而去。




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