

单词 shop
释义 shop (verb) shop 33 ENTRIES FOUND: shop (noun) shop (verb) shop-bought (adjective) shoppe (noun) shopping (noun) shopping cart (noun) shopping center (noun) shopping list (noun) shopping mall (noun) shop-soiled (adjective) shop floor (noun) shop front (noun) shop steward (noun) body shop (noun) bucket shop (noun) charity shop (noun) chip shop (noun) coffee shop (noun) comparison shop (verb) cop shop (noun) gift shop (noun) machine shop (noun) pro shop (noun) specialist shop (noun) specialty shop (noun) talking shop (noun) tea shop (noun) thrift shop (noun) window-shop (verb) bull (noun) china (noun) mind (verb) set (verb) 1 shop /ˈʃɑːp/ noun plural shops 1 shop /ˈʃɑːp/ noun plural shops Learner's definition of SHOP 1  [count] a  : a building or room where goods and services are sold商店 — see also barbershop, bookshop, coffee shop, pawnshop, pro shop, specialty shop, thrift shop Usage用法 In U.S. English, store is more common than shop. When shop is used, it is usually for particular types of small businesses that sell one kind of product or service. Store is used for both small and large businesses, especially ones that sell many kinds of goods and services. In British English store is only used for large businesses that sell many kinds of goods and services and for a few types of smaller businesses that sell equipment.在美国英语中,store比shop常用。shop通常指出售某种商品或提供某种服务的小店铺。store既可指小店铺也可指大商店,尤指出售多种商品或提供多种服务的商店。在英国英语中,store只指出售多种商品或提供多种服务的大商店,亦指某些出售设备的较小店铺。 (US + Brit) a gift/sandwich/doughnut/flower shop礼品/三明治/甜甜圈/鲜花店 (US + Brit) an antique shop [=(US) store]古董店 (US + Brit) a pet/card shop [=(US, more commonly) store]宠物/贺卡店 (Brit) a computer shop [=(US + Brit) store]电脑商店 (Brit) a hardware shop [=(US + Brit) store]五金商店 (Brit) The shops [=(US) stores] are always crowded around the holiday season.节假日期间商店总是很拥挤。 (Brit) I'm going to the shops this afternoon. [=(US) I'm going shopping this afternoon; I'm going to stores to look at and buy things]今天下午我要去购物。 b  : the place where a specified kind of worker works : a worker's place of business专门店铺 (US) the butcher shop = (Brit) the butcher's shop肉铺 (Brit) a chemist's shop [=(US) drugstore]药房 2  [count] : a place for making or repairing goods, machinery, vehicles, etc.工厂;车间;作坊 a repair shop修理厂 I took the car to the shop to get new brakes.我把车开到修理厂去换制动器。 — see also body shop, machine shop, sweatshop, workshop 3  [noncount] US : a class in school in which students are taught to work with tools and machinery工艺课 I am taking shop this semester.这个学期我上工艺课。 I made a table in shop.我在手工艺课上做了一张桌子。 also [count] : a room in which a shop class is taught工艺课教室 The wood/metal shop is down the hall.木材/金属工艺课教室在走廊那头。 4  [noncount] informal : talk that is related to or about your work or special interests : shoptalk有关工作(或公事)的谈话 They are always talking shop.他们总是在谈工作。 5  [singular] British, informal : the activity of shopping for food or other things that are needed regularly购物;采购 I did my weekly shop. [=(US) (grocery/food) shopping]我完成了每周一次的购物。 a bull in a china shop — see 1bull all over the shop British : all over the place : everywhere到处;各处 close up shop — see 1close mind the shop — see 2mind set up shop : to start a business or activity in a particular place开张;开业 The restaurant set up shop three blocks from here.那家餐厅开在离这里三个街区的地方。 He moved to France, where he set up shop as a writer.他移居到了法国,并在那里开始了写作生涯。 I set up shop in the living room and made phone calls all afternoon.我在客厅办公,打了一个下午的电话。 2 shop /ˈʃɑːp/ verb shops; shopped; shopping 2 shop /ˈʃɑːp/ verb shops; shopped; shopping Learner's definition of SHOP 1  : to visit places where goods are sold in order to look at and buy things购物 [no object] Where do you like to shop?你喜欢去哪儿购物? I like to shop at locally owned stores.我喜欢去本地的商店购物。 They shopped all day. = They spent the day shopping.他们花了一整天时间购物。 She is shopping for a new car.她在选购新车。 He is out shopping.他出去购物了。 Many people now shop online.现在很多人在网上购物。 [+ object] (US) They shopped the store(s) in search of gift ideas. [=looked throughout the store(s) for a gift to buy]他们逛了一家/几家商店,寻找送人的礼品。 — see also comparison shop, window-shop 2  [+ object] US : to try to get a company to publish or produce (something)试图说服(公司出版或生产) She's shopping her idea for a film.她试着推销自己的电影创意。 — often + around He shopped his manuscript around, but no publishers were interested.他四处推销自己的手稿,但是没有哪家出版商感兴趣。 3  [+ object] British, informal : to give information about the secret or criminal activity of (someone) to an authority (such as the police)告发告密 His own mother shopped him to the police.他的母亲向警方告发了他。 shop around [phrasal verb] : to visit several different places where a thing is sold in order to find the most suitable item or service for the lowest price货比三家;逐店选购 She is shopping around for a new car.为买新车,她货比三家。 Shop around first before you buy a car.买车之前要货比三家。 She is shopping around for a bank with low fees.她走了几家银行,想找家手续费低的。 — see also 2shop 2 (above) — shopper /ˈʃɑːpɚ/ noun, plural shoppers [count] The stores were crowded with shoppers.商店里挤满了购物者。 Christmas shoppers [=people who are shopping for Christmas gifts]购买圣诞节礼品的顾客




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