

单词 smug
释义 smug 1 ENTRIES FOUND: smug (adjective) smug /ˈsmʌg/ adjective smugger; smuggest smug /ˈsmʌg/ adjective smugger; smuggest Learner's definition of SMUG disapproving : having or showing the annoying quality of people who feel very pleased or satisfied with their abilities, achievements, etc.沾沾自喜的;自鸣得意的 It's OK to celebrate your success, but try not to be too smug about it.你可以庆祝成功,但注意不要太自鸣得意。 You can wipe that smug look off your face.你别这么一副沾沾自喜的样子。 a smug smile/expression沾沾自喜的微笑/表情 — smugly adverb [more smugly; most smugly] She smiled smugly.她自鸣得意地笑起来。 — smugness noun [noncount]




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