

单词 stain
释义 stain (noun) stain 3 ENTRIES FOUND: stain (verb) stain (noun) stained glass (noun) 1 stain /ˈsteɪn/ verb stains; stained; staining 1 stain /ˈsteɪn/ verb stains; stained; staining Learner's definition of STAIN 1  a  : to leave a mark on something玷污;弄脏 [+ object] The red wine stained the carpet.红酒弄脏了地毯。 a wine-stained carpet沾着葡萄酒污渍的地毯 [no object] Be careful—grape juice stains.小心,沾上葡萄汁会留污渍。 b  [no object] : to be marked or damaged by a stain被玷污;被弄脏 This fabric stains easily.这块织物不耐脏。 2  [+ object] : to use a special liquid to change the color of (something)给…染色;给…着色 He stained the wood a dark cherry color.他把木头染成了深樱桃红色。 3  [+ object] : to damage or spoil (something, such as someone's reputation)玷污,败坏(名声等) The accusations stained his reputation.这些指控败坏了他的名声。 — stainer /ˈsteɪnɚ/ noun, plural stainers [count] 2 stain /ˈsteɪn/ noun plural stains 2 stain /ˈsteɪn/ noun plural stains Learner's definition of STAIN [count] 1  : a mark made on a surface, a piece of clothing, etc., that is very hard or impossible to remove污渍;污点 There's a juice/wine stain on the floor.地板上有块果汁/葡萄酒污渍。 She has a stain on her shirt.她的衬衫上有块污渍。 Will those grass stains wash out?那些草渍能洗干净吗? — see also bloodstain 2  : a special liquid that is used to change the color of something (such as wood or cloth)染色剂;着色剂 3  : something that causes people to have less respect for someone : something that damages a person's reputation(名声上的)污点 — usually singular通常用单数 The accusation left a stain that followed him the rest of his life.那项指控给他的余生留下了难以磨灭的污点。 a stain on her honor/reputation她荣誉/名声上的污点 — stainless /ˈsteɪnləs/ adjective He has a stainless reputation.他名声清白。




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