

单词 toboggan
释义 toboggan (verb) toboggan 2 ENTRIES FOUND: toboggan (noun) toboggan (verb) 1 toboggan /təˈbɑːgən/ noun plural toboggans 1 toboggan /təˈbɑːgən/ noun plural toboggans Learner's definition of TOBOGGAN [count] : a long, light sled that has a curved front and that is used for sliding over snow and ice长雪橇;平底长雪橇 2 toboggan /təˈbɑːgən/ verb toboggans; tobogganed; tobogganing 2 toboggan /təˈbɑːgən/ verb toboggans; tobogganed; tobogganing Learner's definition of TOBOGGAN [no object] : to ride on a toboggan especially down a hill坐长雪橇滑行(尤指下山) The kids tobogganed down the hill.孩子们坐长雪橇滑下山。




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