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词汇 blow
释义 blow (noun) blow (noun) blow 36 ENTRIES FOUND: blow (verb) blow (noun) blow (noun) blow-by-blow (adjective) blow-dried (adjective) blow-dryer (noun) blown blow job (noun) body blow (noun) death blow (noun) full-blown (adjective) Joe Blow (noun) low blow (noun) mind-blowing (adjective) brain (noun) cold (adjective) come (verb) cool (noun) deal (verb) fuse (noun) gaff (noun) gasket (noun) good (noun) horn (noun) hot (adjective) kiss (noun) lid (noun) mind (noun) smoke (noun) sock (noun) stack (noun) steam (noun) top (noun) trumpet (noun) whistle (noun) whistle-blower (noun) 1 blow /ˈbloʊ/ verb blows; blew /ˈbluː/ ; blown /ˈbloʊn/; blowing 1 blow /ˈbloʊ/ verb blows; blew /ˈbluː/ ; blown /ˈbloʊn/; blowing Learner's definition of BLOW 1  a  [no object] of air, wind, etc. : to move with speed or force(风)刮,吹 The wind was blowing earlier but it's not blowing now. [=there was wind earlier but there isn't any wind now]早先还在刮风,现在已经停了。 The wind is blowing hard. = It's blowing hard outside.外面刮着大风。 The storm is blowing hard/fiercely. = It's blowing up a storm.暴风雨大作。 A cool breeze blew through the open window.一阵凉风从开着的窗户吹进来。 The wind was blowing from the north.风从北边刮来。 b  [+ object] : to cause (air or something carried by air) to move吹动 The fan blew the air.风扇让空气流动。 The fan blew the smoke out the window.风扇把烟吹出窗外。 c  : to be moved or affected in a specified way by the wind被风吹动 [no object] The door blew open/shut in the wind.门被风吹开了/吹得关上了。 The papers blew all over the place!文件被风吹得到处都是! The sign blew down/over.标牌被风吹掉/吹倒了。 The leaves were blowing around in the wind.叶子在风中旋转。 His hat blew off/away in the wind.他的帽子被风吹掉/吹走了。 [+ object] The breeze blew my wet hair dry.微风把我的湿发吹干了。 The wind blew the door open/shut.风把门吹开了/吹得关上了。 The wind blew the sign down/over.风把标牌吹掉/吹倒了。 The wind blew the ship off course.风把船吹离了航线。 A gust of wind blew the papers all over the room.一阵风把文件吹得满屋子都是。 The wind blew his hat off/away.风把他的帽子吹掉/吹走了。 2  a  : to create a current of moving air by breathing吹;吹气 [no object] She blew on her fingers to warm them.她呵气让手指变暖和。 He was blowing on his soup to cool it off.他把汤吹凉。 [+ object] She blew air into the balloon.她吹气球。 b  [+ object] : to produce or shape (something, such as a bubble) by blowing air吹出(某物);吹出形状 The clown was blowing bubbles for the children.小丑在给孩子们吹泡泡。 blow beautiful shapes out of glass = blow glass into beautiful shapes把玻璃液吹成漂亮的形状 — see also glassblowing 3  a  [no object] of a musical instrument, whistle, etc. : to produce a loud sound(乐器、哨子等)吹奏出音 The trumpet/whistle blew loudly.喇叭/哨子响声很大。 The siren blew. [=sounded]汽笛声响起。 b  [+ object] : to play or produce a sound with (a musical instrument, whistle, etc.)吹奏,吹(乐器、哨子等) blow a trumpet吹喇叭 blow a whistle吹哨子 blow a siren鸣笛 4  : to damage or destroy (something) with an explosion炸毁 [+ object] The terrorists rigged a bomb to blow [=(more commonly) blow up] the bridge.恐怖分子安装炸弹,打算炸毁这座桥。 The explosion blew his leg off. = The explosion blew off his leg.那次爆炸炸掉了他的一条腿。 The explosion blew out the window.爆炸把窗户炸坏了。 The burglar blew the safe open with dynamite.窃贼用炸药炸开了保险柜。 The bomb blew the bridge to bits/smithereens. [=the bomb completely destroyed the bridge]炸弹把这座桥炸得粉碎。 [no object] They ran away when they realized that the bridge was about to blow. [=(more commonly) blow up, explode]他们意识到桥即将被炸,立刻跑开了。 The window blew out in the explosion.窗户在爆炸中被炸坏。 The safe blew open when the burglar dynamited it.保险柜被窃贼用炸药炸开了 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 The election has been blown wide open by the revelation that one of the candidates was lying.这场选举因为一名候选人撒谎被揭发而闹得满城风雨。 The prosecution's case was blown apart by new evidence.诉讼案因为新的证据而被推翻。 — see also blow up (below) 5  : to cause (a tire) to suddenly lose air and become flat使(车胎)爆炸;使漏气 [+ object] He drove over a nail and blew a tire.他开车轧到一根钉子,一个轮胎爆了。 — often + out The car blew out a tire.汽车爆了一个轮胎。 [no object] The car crashed because one of its tires had blown.汽车撞车是因为它的一个轮胎爆了。 — often + out One of the car's tires blew out.汽车的一个轮胎爆了。 — see also blowout 1 6  of an electric fuse : to melt and stop the flow of electricity when an electric current is too strong(保险丝)烧断,熔化 [no object] The light went off because a fuse had blown.灯灭了,因为保险丝烧断了。 [+ object] What blew the fuse?什么东西把保险丝烧断了? — see also blow a fuse at 1fuse 7  [+ object] : to clear (your nose) by forcing air through it quickly擤(鼻子) He blew his nose into his handkerchief.他把鼻涕擤在手帕上。 8  [+ object] informal : to spend or waste (a large amount of money) in a foolish way浪费,挥霍(金钱) He blew his whole paycheck on a horse that finished last.他把所有的薪水都浪费在跑了最后一名的马身上。 9  [+ object] informal a  : to make a mistake in doing or handling (something)出错 The actress blew her lines. [=she said her lines incorrectly]女演员把台词说错了。 b  : to lose or miss (an opportunity) by acting in a stupid or clumsy way错失(良机);搞砸 He blew an opportunity to make a lot of money in the stock market.他错失了在股市赚大钱的机会。 I blew my chance for a big promotion.我错失了一次高升的机会。 They should have won the game but they blew it.他们本该赢得这场比赛,却没有抓住机会。 “I have a job interview tomorrow.” “Well, don't blow it.”“我明天有一个工作面试。”“哦,别搞砸了。” I was late for the job interview and that blew it for me. [=that caused me not to get the job]我面试迟到了,因此没得到那份工作。 10  [+ object] US, informal : to leave (a place) very quickly迅速离开(某地) Let's blow this joint.咱们赶紧离开这家酒吧。 He packed his bags and blew town [=left town] without even saying goodbye.他收拾好东西,连声再见都没说就走了。 11  always followed by an adverb or preposition, [+ object] US, informal : to throw (a ball) with great force and speed用力投(球) The pitcher blew a fastball by/past the batter.投手投了个快球,从击球手身边擦过。 12  British, informal — used to express surprise, annoyance, etc.用于表示惊讶、气恼等 He washed the dishes? Well blow me down!他洗了碗?天哪! Blow it! I forgot to buy milk.糟糕!我忘了买牛奶。 blow a gasket — see gasket blow away [phrasal verb] 1  blow (someone) away or blow away (someone) informal : to kill (someone) by shooting枪杀;射杀 a gangster who got blown away by a hit man被职业杀手枪杀的歹徒 2  : to impress (someone) in a very strong and favorable way给(某人)留下深刻的印象;给(某人)强烈的好感 I was really blown away by her latest movie.她最新的一部影片给我留下了极为深刻的印象。 3  US : to defeat (someone) very badly大败,击溃(某人) They blew their rivals away in the first game 34-7.他们在第一场比赛中以34:7的大比分击败了对手。 blow hot and cold : to change repeatedly from liking or favoring something to not liking or favoring it犹豫不决;摇摆不定;出尔反尔 Local residents have been blowing hot and cold on the question of whether to build a new school.当地居民对是否应该建立一所新学校的问题犹豫不决。 blow in [phrasal verb] informal : to arrive in a sudden or unexpected way突然来到;突然来访 He just blew in, asking for a place to stay.他突然到访,要求有一个落脚的地方。 blow into [phrasal verb] blow into (a place) informal : to arrive at (a place) in a sudden or unexpected way突然来到 He just blew into town and needs a place to stay.他突然进城来,需要找个落脚处。 blown out of proportion — see proportion blow off [phrasal verb] US, informal 1  blow (someone) off or blow off (someone) a  : to refuse to notice or deal with (someone) : to ignore (someone)不理睬,忽视(某人) I tried to say hello to him, but he just blew me off.我想跟他打招呼,但他没理我。 b  : to fail to meet (someone) at an expected time失约;爽约 He was supposed to meet me for lunch but he blew me off.他本该跟我一起吃午饭,但他失约了。 2  blow (something) off or blow off (something) : to fail to attend or show up for (something)未能参加;缺席 He blew off an official dinner.他未能出席正式晚宴。 blow off (some) steam — see 1steam blow out [phrasal verb] 1  blow out or blow (something) out or blow out (something) : to go out or to cause (something, such as a candle) to go out by blowing熄灭;吹灭 There was a sudden gust of wind and the candles blew out.突然刮起一阵风,把蜡烛吹灭了。 She blew out the candles on her birthday cake.她吹灭了生日蛋糕上的蜡烛。 The wind blew out the candle.风把蜡烛吹灭了。 2  of a storm : to come to an end : stop(风暴)停止,平息 The storm eventually blew out. [=blew over] = The storm eventually blew itself out. [=the storm eventually ended]暴风雨终于停了。 — see also blowout blow over [phrasal verb] of a storm : to come to an end : stop(风暴)停止,平息 The storm eventually blew over. [=blew itself out, ended]暴风雨终于停了。 — often used figuratively常用作比喻 The scandal blew over and was forgotten in a few months.那次丑闻风波平息了下来,几个月后就被大家遗忘了。 blow smoke — see 1smoke blow (someone) a kiss — see 2kiss blow someone's brains out — see 1brain blow someone's cover — see 2cover blow someone's mind — see 1mind blow the gaff — see gaff blow the whistle — see 1whistle blow up [phrasal verb] 1  blow (something) up or blow up (something) : to fill (something) with air or gas : inflate(给…)充气,打气 blow up a balloon吹气球 blow up a tire给轮胎打气 2  blow up or blow (something) up or blow up (something) a  : to explode or to cause (something, such as a bomb) to explode(使)爆炸 The bomb blew up.炸弹爆炸了。 blow up a bomb引爆炸弹 b  : to be destroyed or to destroy (something) by an explosion(被)炸毁 The bridge blew up (in the explosion).桥被炸毁了。 The soldiers blew up the bridge with a bomb.士兵们用炸弹将桥炸毁了。 — sometimes used figuratively有时用作比喻 The whole situation has blown up in his face [=has gone terribly wrong] and he may well be fired!整个情况变得十分糟糕,他很可能被解雇! 3  : to become very angry狂怒;大发脾气 The boss blew up when the shipment arrived late.这批货迟到了,老板为此大发雷霆。 4  blow (something) up or blow up (something) : to make (a photograph) larger放大(照片) We had the photograph blown up for framing.我们把照片放大好用相框装起来。 : to make (something) seem larger or more important than it really is : exaggerate夸大;夸张 It was just a trivial mistake that got blown up into something much worse. [=got greatly exaggerated]这只不过是个被过分夸大的小错误。 5  of the wind, a storm, etc. : to begin blowing(风、风暴等)开始刮,刮起来 A wind blew up but quickly subsided.一阵风刮了起来,但很快就停了。 A storm blew up suddenly.突然间暴风雨大作。 — see also blowup blow your cool — see 3cool blow your own horn — see 1horn blow your own trumpet — see 1trumpet blow your top informal or US blow your stack : to become very angry狂怒;大发脾气 Mom really blew her top when she found out I'd wrecked the car.妈妈发现我把车撞坏时大发雷霆。 2 blow /ˈbloʊ/ noun plural blows 2 blow /ˈbloʊ/ noun plural blows Learner's definition of BLOW [count] 1  : a strong wind大风;强风 If the weather reports are right, we're in for a good blow tonight. [=there will be a strong wind tonight; the wind will blow hard tonight]如果天气预报准确的话,今晚会有一场大风。 2  : the act of blowing something (such as your nose)吹;擤(鼻子) He gave his nose a good blow. [=he blew his nose]他使劲擤了擤鼻子。 — compare 3blow 3 blow /ˈbloʊ/ noun plural blows 3 blow /ˈbloʊ/ noun plural blows Learner's definition of BLOW [count] 1  : a hard hit using a part of the body or an object猛击;一击 He delivered a mighty blow with a club.他用棍子用力一击。 a blow with a hammer = a hammer blow用锤子击打 I caught/got him with a heavy blow in the third round. = I landed a heavy blow on him in the third round.在第三个回合中,我重重地给了他一拳。 The two boxers exchanged blows. [=hit each other]两个拳击手相互出拳击打对方。 The boxer rained blows on his opponent's head. [=the boxer hit his opponent's head many times]那名拳击手雨点般的拳头击打在对手的头部。 The falling tile struck him with a glancing blow on the head. [=hit his head with less than full force and fell off to one side]坠落的瓦片擦伤了他的头部。 — see also body blow, low blow 2  a  : something that is done to fight for or against something(为争取或反对某事而进行的)奋斗,努力 They struck a blow for freedom and against tyranny. [=they did something that helped freedom and opposed tyranny]他们为争取自由和反对暴政而奋斗。 b  : a sudden event that causes trouble, damage, sorrow, etc.打击;挫折 Hopes of peace received a mortal blow when negotiations were blocked.和平的希望因谈判受阻而遭到致命的打击。 The injury to their best player was a serious blow to the team's chances. [=the injury did serious harm to the team's chances]最佳选手的受伤让这个队获胜的机会遭到重挫。 The death of his wife was a terrible/shattering blow from which he never really recovered.他妻子的离世对他是极大的打击,从此他一蹶不振。 She was disappointed not to get the job, but the promise of another job cushioned/softened the blow. [=the promise of another job made her disappointment less painful or severe]她因没能得到那份工作而非常沮丧,但是有望获得另一份工作又让她感到好受一点。 come to blows : to begin fighting : to begin hitting each other打架 They almost came to blows during their argument.他们在争吵中差点打了起来。 deal a blow — see 1deal — compare 2blow




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