

单词 boatload
释义 boatload 1 ENTRIES FOUND: boatload (noun) boatload /ˈboʊtˌloʊd/ noun plural boatloads boatload /ˈboʊtˌloʊd/ noun plural boatloads Learner's definition of BOATLOAD [count] : an amount or number that will fill a boat一船(的量) a boatload of passengers一船乘客 — often used figuratively to refer to a very large number or amount常用作比喻,指数量巨大 They made boatloads of money. = They made a boatload of money.他们赚了一大笔钱。 We bought souvenirs by the boatload. [=in large numbers; we bought many souvenirs]我们买了一大堆纪念品。




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