

单词 undue
释义 undue 1 ENTRIES FOUND: undue (adjective) undue /ˌʌnˈduː/ Brit /ˌʌnˈdjuː/ adjective undue /ˌʌnˈduː/ Brit /ˌʌnˈdjuː/ adjective Learner's definition of UNDUE always used before a noun formal : more than is reasonable or necessary : excessive过分的;过度的 undue pressure/influence过大的压力/影响 These requirements shouldn't cause you any undue hardship/burden.这些要求应该不会给你带来任何额外的辛苦/负担。 His writing is elegant without calling undue attention to itself.他文笔典雅,绝无哗众取宠之意。




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