

单词 bohemian
释义 bohemian 2 ENTRIES FOUND: bohemian (noun) Bohemia (proper noun) bohemian /boʊˈhiːmijən/ noun plural bohemians bohemian /boʊˈhiːmijən/ noun plural bohemians Learner's definition of BOHEMIAN [count] : a person (such as an artist or writer) who does not follow society's accepted rules of behavior放荡不羁的艺术家(或作家等) — bohemian adjective [more bohemian; most bohemian] an artist known for his bohemian way of life因不羁的生活方式而闻名的艺术家 He lived in the bohemian part of the city.他生活在城市里放荡不羁的文人圈。 — bohemianism /boʊˈhiːmijəˌnɪzəm/ noun [noncount] They followed a life of bohemianism.他们过着放荡不羁的生活。




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