

单词 boiling point
释义 boiling point 1 ENTRIES FOUND: boiling point (noun) boiling point noun plural boiling points boiling point noun plural boiling points Learner's definition of BOILING POINT 1  [count] : the temperature at which a liquid begins to boil沸点 The boiling point of water is 212° Fahrenheit or 100° Celsius.水的沸点为212华氏度或100摄氏度。 2  : the point at which people might do or say something violent or might take some definite or extreme action because of anger, disagreement, etc.(激烈情绪的)爆发点 [count] — usually singular通常用单数 The incident brought tensions to a boiling point.这次事件使得紧张的局势达到一触即发的程度。 He sensed he had reached his boiling point.他感到自己愤怒的情绪已经上升到了极点。 (chiefly US) Tempers are reaching the boiling point.怒气就要爆发了。 [noncount] (Brit) Tempers are reaching boiling point.怒气就要爆发了。




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