

单词 break in
释义 break in [phrasal verb] 1  : to enter a house, building, etc., illegally非法强行闯入(房屋、建筑等) Someone tried to break in while we were away.有人试图在我们外出时破门而入。 — see also break into 1 (below), break-in 2  : to interrupt or disturb someone or something打断;插嘴 I was listening to my favorite radio program when a reporter broke in with news about a storm.我正在收听最喜爱的广播节目,突然间插播了暴风雨来袭的天气预报。 We were having a chat when he rudely broke in (on it).我们正聊着天,他突然无礼地插嘴。 — see also break into 4 (below) 3  break in or break (someone) in or break in (someone) : to start or help (someone) to start a new activity, job, etc.开始从事;培养 Baseball was very different when he first broke in [=started playing] as a catcher in 1962.1962年他刚开始做接球手的时候,棒球运动和现在的大不一样。 The job involves a wide variety of tasks, so we try to break new employees in gradually.这份工作涉及方方面面的事情,所以我们设法逐步培养新员工。 The band is breaking in a new backup singer.乐队正在培养新的后备歌手。 4  break (something) in or break in (something) a  : to use (something, such as a new pair of shoes) for a period of time so that it becomes comfortable(使用一段时间后)使(新鞋等)变舒适 The shoes were tight when she first got them, so she broke them in by wearing them around the house for a few days.她刚穿那双鞋时觉得有点紧,所以在家穿着走了几天使鞋合脚。 b  : to operate (a new machine) carefully for a period of time until it is ready for regular use磨合(新机器) You shouldn't drive a new car too fast while you're breaking it in.新车正处在磨合期,你不应该开太快。 break




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