

单词 bring out
释义 bring out [phrasal verb] 1  bring out (something) or bring (something) out a  : to show (something) : to cause (something) to appear or to be more easily seen显示;使明显 The debate brought out [=highlighted] the differences between the two candidates.这场辩论暴露出两位候选人之间的分歧。 That blue sweater really brings out the color in your eyes.那件蓝色毛衣正能衬出你眼睛的颜色。 Our school aims to bring out [=develop] the talents in each of our students.我们学校的目标是让每一名学生的才华都能得以施展。 A crisis brings out the best in some people and brings out the worst in others. [=a crisis causes some people to behave very well and other people to behave very badly]危机使一些人表现出其最好的一面,而使另一些人暴露出其最坏的一面。 b  : to produce (something, such as a book) : to cause (something) to become available or to come out生产;出版 a writer who's expected to bring out a new novel next year预计明年推出小说新作的作家 2  bring (someone) out in (something) British : to cause (someone) to begin to have (something, such as a rash) on the skin使(某人)皮肤长出(皮疹等) Eating strawberries brings me out in spots. [=eating strawberries makes me break out in spots]吃草莓使我起了疹子。 bring




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