

单词 clack
释义 clack 1 ENTRIES FOUND: clack (verb) clack /ˈklæk/ verb clacks; clacked; clacking clack /ˈklæk/ verb clacks; clacked; clacking Learner's definition of CLACK : to make or cause something to make a short sharp sound or series of short sharp sounds发出咔嗒声;使咔嗒响 [no object] I heard her heels clacking down the hall.我听见她走过大厅时鞋跟咔咔响。 An old fan clacked (away) somewhere in another room.另一个房间里有一台旧风扇咔咔地转个不停。 [+ object] He clacked his teeth together.他咯咯地咬紧牙关。 — clack noun, plural clacks [count] — usually singular通常用单数 the clack of typewriter keys打字机键盘发出的嗒嗒声 the clack of her heels她的鞋跟发出的咔咔声




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